How to Choose from the FLIP ZERO GRAVITY SERIES

As the FLIP Series expands into new models and unheard of realms of pleasure possibilities, more TENGA fans start to wonder how to possibly choose from all these incredible TENGA FLIP Series items.

The latest in the line-up, the TENGA FLIP ZERO GRAVITY EV, includes features from the previously released FLIP ZERO GRAVITY and the FLIP ZERO EV, bringing together a wonderful mash-up of what TENGA enjoyers know and love.

With this new addition, there are now four unique models of the TENGA FLIP ZERO GRAVITY. Let’s take a look at each of these models, their specifications and features, and find out which FLIP ZERO GRAVITY is the right pick for you. 


A Brief Intro to the TENGA FLIP ZERO GRAVITY Series

With the success of the FLIP ZERO Series, a new member of the family was added in 2022 with the FLIP ZERO GRAVITY.


The FLIP style is hugely popular thanks to its ease of use and cleaning, so creating new internal designs and adding more models is great for TENGA and our users!
The response to the GRAVITY’s lower, more dense internal details was fantastic, so TENGA added the Electronic Vibration feature to the FLIP ZERO GRAVITY WHITE and BLACK to create the FLIP ZERO GRAVITY EV!


The FLIP ZERO GRAVITY EV WHITE and BLACK were both released in September 2023.

Why is it Called the FLIP ZERO GRAVITY?

The “GRAVITY” title refers to the smoother, effortless-gliding sensation the user feels when using the FLIP ZERO GRAVITY.

While still stimulating, the FLIP ZERO GRAVITY has been designed with lower elevations of the densely-packed internal details, allowing the user faster and smoother strokes to enter an alternate dimension in pleasure.

The ZERO GRAVITY feel of these items has users feeling like they’re effortlessly floating through space. If you’re a fan of the FLIP Series and are looking for a new, lighter, and faster sensation, the GRAVITY should peak your interest!

What Are the Differences Between the TENGA FLIP ZERO GRAVITY Items?


The TENGA FLIP ZERO WHITE is somewhat considered our gold standard in terms of reusable TENGA products. The FLIP style for easy cleaning and soft, stimulating internals make for an easy-access, popular pleasure item.

The FLIP ZERO GRAVITY WHITE is just as accessible, but more appealing to those wanting a smoother, fast-stroking experience. If you’re looking to just dip your toes in the GRAVITY water, this is where to start.


The TENGA FLIP ZERO GRAVITY BLACK accomplishes the low-gravity, sliding sensation of the GRAVITY Series while still providing extra stimulation for those lovers of bold internal details.

While the GRAVITY WHITE provides flickering stimulation, the GRAVITY BLACK’s internal details provide more of an intense, constricting and releasing sensation.


The FLIP ZERO GRAVITY EV WHITE brings together the classic, soft pleasure of the FLIP ZERO WHITE, the smooth, gliding sensation of the FLIP ZERO GRAVITY, and the rumbling sensations of the FLIP ZERO EV. These FLIP models just keep upgrading!
Although similar to the internals of the FLIP ZERO GRAVITY WHITE, the EV version has two vibration cores in the elastomer, adding a layer of rumbling pleasure to your FLIP experience.


The FLIP ZERO GRAVITY EV BLACK brings the strong yet smooth stimulations of the FLIP ZERO GRAVITY BLACK and adds a vibration element to the mix.


If you’re interested in gliding through firmer elastomer, the FLIP ZERO GRAVITY EV BLACK might be the pick for you.
The GRAVITY EV WHITE and BLACK share the same vibration settings, with five modes and simple one-button controls, making it easy to add vibrations to the gliding sensations.

Still Can’t Choose? Here’s Our Suggestions

While the FLIP ZERO GRAVITYs are constantly improving and upgrading their technology, that doesn’t guarantee that the most intense model, the FLIP ZERO GRAVITY EV BLACK, is the right choice for you.

If you don’t have much experience with sex toys but are interested in a gliding-sensation, the FLIP ZERO GRAVITY WHITE might be the best place to start.

If you have some experience with sex toys but are looking for something new, the highly-stimulating FLIP ZERO GRAVITY BLACK or the rumbling FLIP ZERO GRAVITY EV WHITE might be what you’re looking for.

If you’ve tried your hand at a number of sex toys and are looking for something absolutely riveting, try the FLIP ZERO GRAVITY EV BLACK, which has intense, sliding, vibrating pleasure that is sure to please any veteran.

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