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Article: How Long Should Sex Last?

How Long Should Sex Last?

How Long Should Sex Last?

how long should sex last

Among the many socially constructed pressures in relation to sex and sexual wellness, length of time to reach male orgasm is among one of the most prominent worries, especially among men.

While song lyrics that promote “doing it all night” are consistently performed by popular artists of all genres, “all night” is not exactly a realistic expectation to have about sex, especially in reference to penile-vaginal penetrative sex.

If you find yourself struggling with ejaculation time during sex, there is a chance you suffer from a sexual dysfunction such as “premature ejaculation” or “delayed ejaculation.” These dysfunctions may arise at any point in your life for a myriad of reasons, so if you feel a sudden change in your body, be sure to research more about sexual dysfunction and consider visiting a medical professional.

Sexual dysfunction is not always the cause for a change in length of sex, and there are a number of methods to get your body back on track if you are dissatisfied with your sexual function, so let’s take a deeper look at how long sex ‘should’ last.


How Long Does Sex Usually Last?

Defining exactly how long sex lasts on average seems to have very limited research, however there are a number of survey results that give us insight into how long sex should last in order to satisfy the majority of sexual partners.

For example, a study run by Penn State found a range of three to seven minutes to be considered adequate, seven to 13 minutes to be desirable, and 10 to 30 minutes to be too long, meaning if you’ve got the TV running during your intercourse session, you should only be hitting one commercial break before your intercourse session might start to lose steam.

Another study that surveyed couples in regards to intravaginal ejaculation latency time, as in the time between the insertion of the penis into the vagina and the start of ejaculation, had reports that ranged from 33 seconds to 44 minutes, with the average session lasting 5.4 minutes. This average of 5.4 minutes makes it clear that the expectation created from pop culture of an endless session of high-energy sexual intercourse with erections lasting for hours at a time is simply fiction. Not to mention that seeing a medical professional is advised if you have an erection lasting more than four hours.

premature ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation (PE)

Premature ejaculation is a sexual dysfunction that is characterized by the inability to delay ejaculation for more than a minute during penetrative intercourse.

As previously noted by the length of time considered adequate for sexual intercourse being at least three minutes, ejaculating within one minute may not be satisfactory for your sexual partner.

That being said, instances of premature ejaculation may simply happen for a variable of reasons and may not require any further intervention than giving it another go. In fact, one in three men experience premature ejaculation at some point, meaning you shouldn’t allow one shoddy performance ruin your self-esteem.

delayed ejaculation

Delayed Ejaculation (DE)

While ejaculating prematurely is a common worry as it may result in an unsatisfied partner, there are also a number of men who suffer from the inability to ejaculate. This falls under the same category of sexual dysfunctions as premature ejaculation, however delayed ejaculation is categorized by when a man needs more than 30 minutes of sexual stimulation to reach orgasm and ejaculate.

Being able to satisfy your partner to the point of orgasm may be on most people’s mind during sex, but what many fail to realize is that not reaching a point of orgasm yourself may be disappointing for your partner, making delayed ejaculation a condition to be taken seriously.

A number of reasons may cause DE, including psychological issues such as anxiety or depression, meaning much like premature ejaculation, there may be underlying mental health issues that working on may help this issue.

A number of medications may also cause delayed ejaculation, including antidepressants, such as fluoxetine (Prozac), antipsychotics, such as thioridazine (Mellaril), or medications for high blood pressure, such as propranolol (Inderal), so be sure to consult your doctor if you notice a difference in your sexual performance after taking medication.

treating sexual dysfunction

Treating Sexual Dysfunction

Common treatments for premature ejaculation include behavioral therapy methods, psychological counseling, as well as a number of medications including antidepressants and erectile dysfunction medications may be prescribed.

There are also a number of pelvic floor exercises, especially Kegel exercises, that can be done to train the right muscles that may be causing your premature ejaculation.

Similarly to premature ejaculation, treatments for delayed ejaculation may also start with mental health counseling and recommended Kegel exercises. Possible medication for DE differs vastly from PE, including testosterone supplements, treatments for Parkinson’s disease, and dopamine promoting drugs.

Since this is a TENGA Store USA blog, we can’t fail to mention the products from TENGA Healthcare that are designed and created to assist those struggling with premature and delayed ejaculation, among other sexual health issues.

For premature ejaculation, a specially designed series of the TENGA CUP was made in order to improve endurance for those with fast ejaculation times. By using the MEN’S TRAINING CUP Endurance Training Series, users may find their penetration time gradually increases.

A series with the same idea but for delayed ejaculation was also created by TENGA Healthcare, allowing users to train to fight against delayed ejaculation issues with the MEN’S TRAINING CUP Acceleration Training Series.

Pleasure items are also a great tool to have at your disposal in case of an instance of an ejaculation mishap, as they’re great assistants when it comes to reaching orgasm. Try keeping a masturbator from our TENGA Store USA to see how your body reacts in comparison to sexual intercourse, and be sure to check out the couples’ items in the TENGA SVR Series and the TENGA UNI as your issue might just lie in needing more stimulation to reach orgasm.

the best is yet to come


Premature and delayed ejaculation are common instances among many men, however they can lead to mental health issues as well as issues with your partner if not treated properly and are sometimes indicators of underlying health issues.

Consider consulting a medical professional if your sexual performance has seen any drastic changes or if you’ve persistently had issues with ejaculation in general.

Don’t fret after one bad night of sex, but always be wary of your general and sexual health and try to take steps to improve your health if you notice negative changes.

Penetrative sex is not the end-all-be-all for sexual intercourse, and the importance of foreplay and satisfying your partner through non-penetrative sex should not be forgotten.

>For starters, a simple and great way to improve your sexual relationships is to try new ways of pleasure, like with any of the pleasure items from the TENGA STORE USA.