Can You Have Sex While Pregnant?
Congratulations on your pregnancy! If you're wondering about sex during pregnancy, you're not alone, many expecting parents have the same question. We wish you and your little one the best of health and happiness. It's understandable to have concerns about intimacy over the next nine months. Here's a quick rundown of what you can and can't do, but before we begin, consult with a doctor for the best information on what is safe and what isn't.
Can You Have Sex While Pregnant?

So the good news is, having sex while pregnant shouldn’t have an effect on your baby. Meaning that you can have sex while pregnant. Once again, and this can’t be stressed enough, please double-check with a doctor before having a good time with your partner. But how is the baby safe from any penetration? It’s all thanks to something called amniotic fluid. This fluid has a wide array of jobs to make sure your future child grows to be healthy. These jobs range from protecting the fetus (which helps make sex during pregnancy safe) to muscle and bone development. This fluid combined with the muscle of the uterus makes sure nothing will go wrong during sex.
That said, pregnancy might affect a person’s sex drive in different ways. Some people experience higher sex drive or lower drive all based on hormone fluctuations. So if whoever is pregnant is not in the mood, they could just be experiencing hormonal changes.
In a best-case scenario, there should not be any issues with having sex during pregnancy. However, there are some cases where sex should be avoided.
When Should You Stop Having Sex While Pregnant

Right out of the gate, if whoever is pregnant is at a high risk of miscarriage or has had past miscarriages, then having sex while pregnant is a bad idea. Another no-go on the sex situation is if you are lucky enough to be expecting twins or more. As you may imagine, having two people growing inside puts a LOT of stress on the pregnant person. It can also lead to more risks than a single-child pregnancy. For that reason, it is generally recommended that you should stop having sex while pregnant with twins.
The last reason comes near the end of the pregnancy. This next piece should be pretty obvious, but to cover all bases, we are gonna talk about it anyway. If the water has broken, that is not the best time to have sex. It can cause infections and more importantly. It means your bundle of joy is making its way into the world. In short, it’s best to use that time to get to a doctor/hospital and not try to sneak in a quick passionate session.
Sex Positions while Pregnant

Ok, you and your partner are in the mood and luckily there are no present risks to the baby. Time for a good time. But there might be a concern about how to have sex while pregnant. What position is best? Which one is even safe? Here are a couple of ideas
Mutual Masturbation
You probably know where this is going, but hear us out. Mutual masturbation is where instead of jerking it alone, you and your partner enjoy yourselves at the same time. In a way, it’s sort of the happy middle ground between solo masturbation and sex. Think of it as teaching each other what you like and what really gets you going. It was found that males had more positive feelings towards mutual masturbation, and couples who tried it felt higher sexual satisfaction. Now what about the baby? Like sex, unless a doctor advises otherwise, there isn't any risk.
Though 9 months of just masturbation may get a little stale no matter how good your form is. In such cases, why not explore the range of exciting toys we offer here at TENGA? Experimenting with these toys could add some spice to your relationship if you decide to abstain from sex during the pregnancy. You can grab some great toys here.
It’s a classic for a reason. The pregnant person can lie down, while the one with a penis can put in the work. That could be the reason why it’s such a popular sexual position while pregnant. In fact, it was found that 67% of pregnant people used the missionary position during sex. This was with their partner on top and face-to-face contact. However, in that same case, pregnant people who were the ones on top (using pillows to get a more comfortable position) actually had higher sexual satisfaction. Take turns on who goes on top and see which style works best for you.
From Behind
We don’t mean anal sex with this one. We are talking about the position more commonly known as “doggy-style”. If you were to search “best sex positions”, doggy style is sure to appear on the top of most lists. However, how does it hold up during pregnancy? Pretty well actually. When the baby grows and the stomach gets bigger and bigger, it might get in the way of more traditional sex positions. Also, penetration is more shallow when going in from behind. While we said earlier that penetration isn’t a risk to the baby, it could provide some peace of mind for the pregnant person.
Pregnancy is a time of wonder, excitement, and anxiety, a new life is on the way, and parenthood is just around the corner. However, that doesn’t mean the fires of passion should die down in your relationship. If your doctor gives the green light, regular sex can still be part of your life, and if there are concerns about the pregnant person's safety, consider alternative intimate activities like masturbating together. In such cases, explore the range of TENGA products, which can enhance your solo experiences. Click here to find your next favorite TENGA.