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Article: Different Types of Penises

Different Types of Penises

Different Types of Penises

Quick quiz. Without looking it up, how many types of penises do you think there are? Well, even if you looked up the answer online (shame on you!), you might have noticed that the internet gives a pretty large number range. It seems like there can be anywhere from four to twenty-one different types of penises out there. But why such a significant variation? It seems that each source establishes its own criteria for what qualifies as a distinct "type" of penis. So, in this article, we will explore the various variations and classifications of penises.



Banana Curve

The penis can “curve” when it’s in its erect state. The direction in which the penis can curve depends on the person, but it usually curves up, down, left, or right, or some combination of these four. You can also have a straight penis, where it just goes straight up without a curve. 

Is this curve something to be concerned about? Usually no, not really. Curves in the penis do happen naturally, however, if you are feeling pain when engaging in sexual activity or if the curve is increasing then you should seek medical attention. Abnormal curvature could be a result of a condition known as Peyronie’s Disease. This is when scar tissue develops under the skin which makes the penis curve more than it should. That being said, curving is often something you don’t need to worry about, and you can even adapt your sexual positions based on your particular curve.

Size Doesn’t Matter

measuring tape

Ah, yes, the concern that often preoccupies individuals with a penis is its size. Much like the curve, penises exhibit a wide array of variations in terms of both length and girth. One particular combination that has gained some notoriety is the short-length but wide-girth penis, commonly referred to as a "chode." However, sizes can differ in many ways: longer in length but narrower in girth, shorter in both length and girth, or, conversely, longer in both length and girth.

There are also two “types” of penises when it comes to size. First off you have the “showers”. When having an erection, these people’s penises don’t tend to grow much more in size than their flaccid state. “Growers “ as the name implies, is a person whose penis grows noticeably larger than its flaccid state when erect. Like most things, it comes down to genetics to determine which one you are. Two things that contribute to this are the amount of collagen you have and how elastic your penile tissue is. That being said, outside of personal preference of you or your partner, it doesn’t (or shouldn’t) really matter which category you fall under. If you are concerned about your size, you can check out some stats on the average size of penises here.



Although circumcision does not represent a distinct "natural type" of penis, some individuals categorize penises based on whether they are circumcised or uncircumcised. Those born with penises have a natural foreskin that covers the head of the penis when it is flaccid, and it retracts during erection. People who retain the foreskin they were born with are called uncircumcised. In contrast, individuals who have undergone the removal of this foreskin are considered circumcised.

Although not medically necessary, circumcision is often said to reduce the risk of penile infections and certain cancers. It is usually performed on newborns, but adults can also undergo the procedure if they have retained their foreskin into adulthood and choose to be circumcised. Being uncircumcised is fine as well, be proud of your body regardless.


And there you have it—the various criteria people consider when attempting to categorize different types of penises. It's ultimately a matter of personal choice regarding which aspects one chooses to classify as distinct "types." Therefore, one person may identify 21 different types, while another may recognize only four. Regardless of the number you arrive at, it's important to remember that each individual's penis is unique. So, if you ever feel that your penis is unusual or not within the norm, rest assured that it likely falls within the broader range of "normalcy."