How Many Calories Are Burned During Masturbation?
Have you ever wondered if masturbating can help you burn some calories? We all love some fine quality time with ourselves, if we can burn some calories at the same time, there might be an extra reason why we should all masturbate more. In this blog post, let’s explore the topic of masturbating and calories. Can masturbation really burn calories? If so, how many calories can masturbation burn? Are there tips and tricks to burning calories during masturbation? Keep on reading to find out more!
Can Masturbation Burn Calories?
Similar to workouts, when you masturbate, the repetitive movements get your heart rate up and cause you to sweat like you are exercising. It makes sense why some would wonder if masturbation can burn calories, and maybe even help lose a few pounds.
The simple answer to the question, ‘can masturbation burn calories?’, is yes.
However, according to Doctors, masturbation alone is not enough for you to lose weight.
In order to lose weight, you need to burn a lot more calories than masturbation can offer. So, how many calories can masturbation burn?
How Many Calories Are Burned During Masturbation?

It is said that at the lowest estimates, masturbation can burn 5~6 calories. However, please keep in mind this is just a very rough anecdotal estimate and there are many varying factors and there hasn’t been much research either.
Masturbation is a lot less rigorous compared to working out. The amount of energy and movements in masturbation is a lot less than a full-blown workout, thus, the amount of calories burned during masturbation is minimal.
So if you are thinking of using masturbation as your new method of weight loss, it might not be the best choice. However, there are ways to make your masturbation burn a few bit more calories if you want.
- Stay active! Try to keep your heart rate up during masturbation! For example, switching to your non-dominant hand to spice it up and work the muscles on your other hand.
- Lengthening the session can also help burn more calories, but it really depends on how energetic you are. If you lengthen your highly active masturbation with your heart pounding then yes, you are burning significantly more calories than a nice and slow masturbation session.
- Trying different positions and increasing movements are also a great way to burn a few extra calories.
- Using a toy to help your heart beat faster can also work!
Other Health Benefits from Masturbating

Just like exercising, masturbation is a great way to release tension and reduce stress.
In fact, masturbation is known to release feel-good hormones and can help one sleep better.
Here is a list of other health benefits from masturbating:
- Strengthen pelvic muscles
- Reduce chances of prostate cancer
- Improve overall skin conditions
- Boost immune system
- Possibly improve cardiovascular conditions by getting your heart pumping
Masturbation can be so much more than just a feel-good activity.
In conclusion, masturbating can burn calories, however, very few calories are actually burned during masturbation. The number of calories really depends on the person, the intensity of masturbation, the length of the session, and other factors as mentioned earlier.While it might not be the best choice for getting fit, masturbation definitely has many health benefits. So you should definitely consider masturbation whether you are thinking about burning calories or not because it is still good for your overall health.