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Article: What Are the Reasons for a Low Sex Drive?

What Are the Reasons for a Low Sex Drive?

What Are the Reasons for a Low Sex Drive?

A low libido is essentially a lowered interest in sexual activity, also known as a low sex drive. It is natural to have a varying sex drive in daily life and even to go through periods of having an extended disinterest in sex. It's also perfectly normal that it won't match that of your significant other or sexual partner. However, whether you usually have a high sex drive or are just experiencing a longer than expected dip in your sex drive, we understand that this can be a cause for concern for some.

In this article, we’ll be covering some of the key causes of a low sex drive and how you can try to improve your libido and your health in general.


What Are The Key Reasons For a Low Sex Drive?

Firstly we’ll look over some of the most common causes of a low sex drive and what that may mean for you and your health.

Low Testosterone

Testosterone is one of the key male hormones that can have a direct effect on sex drive and for aiding in sperm production although it is also responsible for building muscles and bone mass. When your testosterone decreases, then your libido will also be affected. 

Lowered testosterone levels are a natural part of ageing, but can also be attributed to other causes such as high blood pressure, depression and even diabetes. You should see a doctor and get a blood test to diagnose if this is an issue for you. From there a doctor can recommend a variety of safe treatments and therapies. 

Depression and Stress

Both depression and stress have numerous negative effects on the body. This can also include a loss of sex drive brought about by feelings of hopelessness, low self-esteem and general fatigue. It can also cause other problems such as anorgasmia, (difficulties orgasming) as well as erectile dysfunction which can serve to further compound the matter. It should be noted that antidepressants taken to deal with these symptoms may also cause low libido. 

If the issue stems from antidepressants, then it is best to speak to a doctor about these side effects to see what options you have regarding your medication. However, it is always best to treat the underlying cause of depression through whatever method works best for you personally. This can be via therapy, exercise, talking with someone openly or other remedies that may help you. If you are suffering from serious depression and experiencing suicidal thoughts, please consider seeking help from a crisis or suicide helpline in your country.


Excessive alcohol consumption, generally ranging upwards of 14 mixed drinks or more per week, has been linked back to a decrease in sex drive. This can be due to alcohol causing difficulties in getting and maintaining an erection, a problem that can become permanent if your alcohol intake isn’t significantly reduced. It can also lead to infertility issues in both men and women.

Trying to reduce the frequency of drinking and the volume of alcohol consumed when drinking is the best way to counter this. If you feel any difficulty in reducing your alcohol consumption, however, you should seek the help of a professional.

Sleep Problems

Not getting enough sleep can also surprisingly have an effect on your libido. A recent study has shown that, even in healthy, young men, testosterone levels were decreased by up to 10-15% after a week of sleep restricted to five hours per night. This lack of sleep as mentioned can end up affecting your libido. Another recent study also revealed that men who suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea can also experience lower testosterone levels. The obvious answer to this is just to try to get more sleep. If this proves difficult due to issues such as insomnia then you should seek the advice of a sleep specialist.

Chronic Illness

Chronic illnesses are already enough of a problem for many, for whom sex drive isn’t a key concern. However, for those who do suffer from certain illnesses they may notice that a lowered libido is another symptom of their condition. Such illnesses include type 2 diabetes, chronic pain, high blood pressure or cholesterol, chronic organ diseases and cancer. 

Outside of treatment for the underlying conditions you can also seek the help of sex therapists who may be able to assist you in still having an enjoyable sex life while living with medical issues.

Tips to Help Prevent a Low Sex Drive?

The main way of helping to deal with a low sex drive is by first understanding the underlying causes. This can be one of the many issues discussed above, a mixture of them or other issues not covered here. Once you have an understanding of what might be the root cause, look into how best to solve the problem. This may be cutting back on alcohol, sleeping more or seeking professional help. No matter what, if you are going to make major changes to your lifestyle we would always recommend seeking advice from experts in those areas.