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Article: Why Is My Sex Drive So High?

Why Is My Sex Drive So High?

Why Is My Sex Drive So High?

The hormone testosterone plays a big role in fueling sex drive and performance in males.

Having a high sex drive, or a high libido, may sound like a blessing, but for some it can be a huge hindrance. If you feel you are benefitting from it, we hope you are enjoying every minute. However, if having a high sex drive negatively impacts your work or personal life, it may be time to seek professional help. In any case, in order to help you understand why you might have a high sex drive, we have explored several causes in this article. And for those wanting a higher sex drive, we have listed a few tips that may help. Our hope is that it may help you in maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

DISCLAIMER: For information purposes only. This information (or any product mentioned in this article) is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If having a high libido negatively affects your lifestyle, please consult a specialist as soon as possible.


How A High Sex Drive Can Affect Me

high sex drives can be exciting, but also harmful

As we mentioned, having a high sex drive is only harmful if it affects or compromises other parts of your life which you feel are important in order to maintain balance. For example, be careful to watch for these issues that a high sex drive may cause: 

  • Issues at work (e.g. tardiness, missing days due to a high sex drive), social life, or adverse effects on your health, physically or mentally
  • Trouble feeling sexually satisfied, even when having sex frequently
  • Negatively affecting your relationships
  • Seeking “risky” sex, such as casual sex, or sex that may put you or others in harm or ill health

If any of these issues are a cause for concern, seek professional help as soon as possible.

Causes of A Higher Sex Drive

several things can influence your sex drive

Again, we want to stress having a high sex drive is only harmful if it affects or compromises other parts of your life which keep you from a balanced lifestyle. So if you feel you have it under control and are enjoying your sex life, there may be no cause for alarm. But if you are curious about some of the reasons why you may have a high libido, here are some common reasons:

Exercise - Obesity and lack of activity often decrease libido and sexual dysfunctions (43% of women, 31% of men). That is why one study suggests that people who engage in physical activity tend to have higher sex drives, however this is only true for certain exercises. Endurance exercises, such as running marathons, may actually contribute to lowered testosterone levels. On the other hand, HIIT (High Interval Intermittent Training), aerobic exercises and strength training have shown to increase hormone levels. This may be due to production of testosterone during exercise. 

Drugs - Stimulant drugs, such as cocaine, can cause an increase in libido. However, since cocaine and other illegal drugs are addictive and can lead to many other life-threatening issues, we certainly cannot recommend it. If you are taking drugs, you may wish to find alternate ways to increase your sex drive.

some drugs can also stimulate dopamine production

Dopamine - Dopamine plays an important role in emotions, focus, memory, and feelings of pleasure. However, dopamine also has an influence on testosterone levels. Sometimes people with nerve-related illnesses, such as Parkinson’s disease, may receive dopamine replacement therapy. People who take dopamine supplements may experience a higher sex drive. Therefore, those taking additional dopamine supplements should be careful of compulsive sexual behavior. 

Possible Ways to Keep Your Sex Drive in Balance

the never-ending balancing act is life's gift

So whether or not we have a high sex drive, how can we help to maintain balance and keep a healthy libido? One thing we need to do is keep stress in check. Stress has a negative effect on the level of testosterone in the body. When stressed, the body produces cortisol, often referred to as the "stress hormone" because the body releases cortisol in response to stress. Elevated cortisol levels can create a loss of sex drive by inhibiting testosterone production in men. 

As mentioned earlier, most exercises can contribute to a higher sex drive. Exercise can produce more testosterone in males, which plays a significant role in sexual desire. 

Another way of alleviating stress is the practice of self-pleasure, or partnered pleasure. We have written a number of times on how masturbation and sex release many beneficial hormones in the body, including dopamine. There are many benefits to the body and brain. 

Foods that may Help Testosterone

oysters contain zinc which helps testosterone production

There are also certain foods that are believed to help enhance testosterone production, such as:

Oysters - Although the research is still pending on oysters, they do contain zinc, which has been known to help regulate testosterone levels. Zinc also helps with healthy blood flow, which may help with circulation to the sex organs.

Maca - this Andean root is known for its supposed aphrodisiac properties. A small study supported the effects of Maca supplementation on general and sexual well-being in adult patients with mild ED.

Please be careful when consuming these foods, as they may have interaction with certain drugs. Consult your physician before starting a new diet.


having balance is they key to a long and happy life

A high sex drive can be a source of pleasure or a hindrance, depending on its impact on an individual's life. This article has explored some common causes of a high libido, including the positive influence of exercise and the role of dopamine. It has also highlighted the need to manage stress effectively to maintain a healthy sex drive. 

The practice of self-pleasure, partnered pleasure, and certain dietary choices may help individuals strike a balance and promote a healthy libido. However, if a high sex drive negatively affects one's life, seeking professional help is advised. Remember that the key is to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle, ensuring that your sexual desire complements rather than compromises your overall well-being.

At TENGA, we, of course, support healthy sexual function through the act of self and partnered pleasure. We feel that it is one of the safest, least harmful methods for maintaining better physical and mental health. We hope you will explore some of our pages and learn more about its benefits for you.