Is Spring Fever Real? How Spring Effects Your Sex Drive (or Not) (Seasonal)
There are many factors that can contribute to a lower sex drive. We’ve covered the majority of common factors in our blog on ‘What Are the Reasons For a Low Sex Drive’. Are there any specific factors that are affected in Spring though? Is the fabled ‘Spring Fever’ a real thing? Read on to find out more.
Is ‘Spring Fever’ a Real Thing?

Spring Fever may be a phenomenon that you’ve heard of in the past, through folktales or even referenced in songs. With the Winter over, people slowly gain their energy back, start going out more and even get more amorous. Is it a real phenomenon though? Well, not quite. Sadly there isn’t a lot of solid data on specifically how the seasons affect your libido, but there are some studies that can help understand certain elements.
Generally speaking though, Spring Fever in the form of what most people mean in terms of sexual desire doesn’t really exist. There are some factors that might contribute to a lower libido though, which we’ll cover below.
What Are The Key Reasons For a Low Sex Drive in Spring?
Here are some of the most common causes of a low sex drive during Spring either directly or indirectly, and what that may mean for you and your health.
Lower Testosterone Levels

There are studies that suggest that the lowest levels of both testosterone and sperm production occur during Spring. In Winter men commonly produce “about 70 million sperm per milliliter of semen…” with “five percent [having] fast motility”, while in the Spring this shrinks to around “68 million sperm per milliliter, [at] only three percent [having] fast motility”. This might not sound like a lot, it can contribute to a somewhat lowered sex drive.
Seasonal Allergies

Unsurprisingly, allergies can have a large effect on your sex drive, especially considering how terrible they make a lot of allergy sufferers feel in many ways. While it might not be the first thing that comes to mind with the effects of allergies, one study has found that people with allergy symptoms find that it negatively impacts their libido.
Treating the symptoms of these allergies as appropriate can help alleviate any negative effects they have, not only on your body but on your sex drive. If you take medication and this seems to be causing fatigue (which can, in turn, affect your libido), you can always try non-drowsy medications to negate this, but always consult your doctor if you’re changing prescribed medications.
Body Image

While not necessarily directly tied to Spring, while everyone should feel comfortable and confident in their own skin, unfortunately, body image can have a huge impact on your libido. After the Winter holidays where people tend to overindulge in eating, a lot of people do put on a few extra pounds. While the Spring brings about warmer weather and the added incentive to get out and start exercising it doesn’t immediately melt away that extra weight.
While it tends to be less widely discussed, men also have body image issues too. Depending on where this stems from, anything from exercising more frequently to speaking with a professional for advice can help curb these concerns.
Tips to Help Prevent a Low Sex Drive During Spring?

So it turns out that Spring Fever is not only a myth, but that Spring can have some negative effects on your sex drive. The above are just some of the factors that can either directly or indirectly affect your libido during the Spring. If you know what might be the cause for concern, such as allergies, you can start looking into how best to prepare and remedy the issue.
As always, if you are going to make significant changes to your lifestyle or prescriptions, we would always recommend seeking advice from specialists in those fields. With that being said, understanding the above reasons can cause you issues can hopefully help you prepare for Spring.