How To Incorporate Food into Sex
Did your mother ever tell you not to play with your food? Well, mothers usually know best, but in this case we are going to have to disagree. It may seem like something that only happens in the movies, but anyone can have a little fun with food for a truly erotic experience.
As sex and pleasure, both self and partnered, are as basic and natural as tasting and eating good food, combining the two can lead to a very thrilling and satisfying experience. In this article, we discuss the erotic art of playing with your food for increased sexual pleasure.
- What Foods are Good for Getting Ready
- What Foods are Good for Play
- How to Use Food for Play
- Summary
- May We Suggest
What Foods are Good for Getting Ready
Before engaging in food play, you may want to help strengthen your sex drive. Having a healthy sex drive, or healthy libido, is important for you and your partner for a number of reasons:
- Physical Health: Sexual activity can contribute to cardiovascular health, improve blood flow and reduce the risk of heart disease.
- Boosted Immune System: Regular sexual activity may have positive effects on the immune system, helping to ward off illness.
- Mental/Emotional Well-being and Stress Reduction: Sexual activity is known to release endorphins and reduce stress hormones, promoting relaxation.
- Connection and Intimacy: Sexual intimacy can help enforce emotional bonds and foster a sense of connection.
- Sleep Improvement: Sexual activity and orgasm release oxytocin and other hormones contributing to better sleep.
- Self-confidence: Feeling desired and expressing desire can positively impact self-esteem and body image.
So with this in mind let's discuss a few foods that help to increase a healthy sex drive, or libido. As we have discussed in a previous blog, there are certain foods believed to help enhance testosterone production, such as:
- Oysters - Although the research is still pending on oysters, they do contain zinc, which has been known to help regulate testosterone levels. Zinc also helps with healthy blood flow, which may help with circulation to the sex organs.
- Maca - this Andean root is known for its aphrodisiac properties. A small study supported the effects of Maca supplementation on general and sexual well-being in adult patients with mild ED.
*Be careful when consuming these foods, as they may have interaction with certain medicines. Consult your physician before starting a new diet.
What Foods are Good for Play
As many know from past experiences, foreplay can be very arousing, leading to heightened senses and an even more satisfying lovemaking session. A touch in a certain place can bring about anticipation eventually leading towards the big moment. What if you added food to this exciting foreplay? Foods not only have distinctive tastes, but also scents that can lead to arousing thoughts and emotions. Some of the most traditional foods associated with seduction and food play are:
- Strawberries - shaped like little red hearts, they have been a symbol of Venus, the Goddess of love, from ancient Roman times. They are also packed with healthy vitamin C which helps keep blood flowing to all regions of the body. A lot of people love the fragrance as well.
- Dark chocolate - the aphrodisiac qualities of chocolate are attributed to tryptophan, a building block of serotonin, which is a chemical involved in sexual arousal and phenylethylamine, a stimulant which is released in your brain when you fall in love. Dark chocolate may also increase dopamine, which induces feelings of pleasure.
- Other foods of honorable mention: peaches, bananas, pomegranate, figs. Often associated as sensual foods, for their resemblance to certain parts of the body.
Warning: Be careful not to get food trapped in your genital area, or make sure you clean these areas soon after play. Foods that especially contain sugars can potentially cause yeast infections, which is prevalent in delicate areas for women, but can also affect men (penile yeast infection).
How to Use Food for Play
The body has a number of sensitive areas, or erogenous zones, such as the lips, the ears, the nape of the neck, or the inner thigh, that can cause sexual arousal. Some articles list as many as 31, but this really depends upon the person as well as what kind of sensual experiences they have had up to now. It never hurts to try new places and explore each other’s “happy spots”!
Try to use your favorite erogenous food to touch these areas, taste them, use all kinds of tactile, as well as auditory, visual and olfactory stimuli and watch how your partner responds. You will know immediately whether they like what you’re doing! A good moan from you or your partner can take you to another world! This may be a great time to let loose and see where things go. So long as you are not hurting yourself or your partner, it’s okay to experiment.
Playing with your food can be a fun and very erotic experience when coupled with intercourse or masturbation. Experiment with this play and you may never want to go back! Who says you can't have your cake (or chocolate) and eat it too!
May We Suggest
When you have found your passionate moment to make fond memories with your partner, may we suggest the iroha SVR for partnered pleasure. A most pleasurable penis ring, the SVR can also be used on the hand for self and partnered stimulation. The SVR has various strengths and patterns to enjoy!