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Article: BEST Articles Of Spring /Summer 2023

BEST Articles Of Spring /Summer 2023

BEST Articles Of Spring /Summer 2023

Summer is over, and it's time to say goodbye to the barbecues and beach trips while saying hello to the frigid weather and staying home by the fire. While you were out playing and enjoying some summer fun, we released some great blog posts that you may find helpful. That’s why we are reviewing some of the best TENGA articles of Spring/Summer 2023. So sit back, relax, and catch up on all the latest information to make your fall and winter a lot more pleasurable!

Man reading the best TENGA blogs of Spring/Summer 2023


Everything You Need to Know About the TENGA Puffy

Everything you need to know about the TENGA Puffy

We went soft this Summer with the release of the new TENGA Puffy series. Because the Puffy is so different from our other items, we also released an article that tackled all your Puffy-related questions. Learn important information like how to use the Puffy, what Puffy is the best in the series for you, and how it differs from other TENGA reusable products. We even reached out to sex bloggers from around the world to get their opinions about how the Puffy feels!

If you are looking to become a Puffy pro, this is the article you want to start with. 

Click here for the full blog post

Masturbation Isn’t Embarrassing 

Man embarrassed he was caught masturbating

It’s happened to the best of us. You think you're alone and you just want to have a pleasurable time with yourself, then BAM! Someone you know comes walking in on your good time. Pretty embarrassing right? Or is it? In this article, we break down why masturbation shouldn’t be something to be ashamed of and what you can do if you are caught having a little self-fun. 

Click here for the full blog post

A Balanced Masturbation life 

Man with a balanced masturbation life

“Be moderate in order to taste the joys of life in abundance.”

― Epicurus 

We, of course, promote masturbation with all of its mental and physical health benefits. However, too much of a good thing, even self-pleasure, can become a hindrance if it gets in the way of balance in your life. 

Learn some tips on maintaining a healthy life and keeping masturbation a balanced part of it.  

Click here for the full blog post

Hand Masturbation

Right Hand

Ah yes, the reliable hand masturbation. It’s always there for you wherever you go, and clean-up is pretty simple. Learn how this classic technique compares to using sex toys and even the advantages of it! 

Click here for the full blog post

How to Choose from the FLIP ZERO Series


The TENGA FLIP ZERO Series is a classic TENGA product line that offers a variety of different textures and even optional vibrations and spinning sensations. We understand that it might be hard to choose which product is right for you, so we published this guide of “things to consider” when doing your FLIP ZERO shopping. 

Click here for the full blog post


That wraps up the top 5 articles for the Spring/Summer 2023 seasons. As you can see, the most popular ones were people’s questions about masturbation. So if you ever find yourself feeling embarrassed or ashamed of your masturbation, just know that it’s a completely normal behavior without a “right” way to do it. Experiment with what gives you the most pleasure, whether it’s trying a new style or trying one of the many TENGA products designed to make masturbation better.