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Article: Is Masturbating Twice a Day Too Much?

Is Masturbating Twice a Day Too Much?

Is Masturbating Twice a Day Too Much?

For many, masturbation is a private matter, which unfortunately brings about a lack of communication around the topic, and to misconceptions and concerns that wouldn't usually be a worry for more widely-discussed behavior. One common concern is about doing it ’too much’, and if multiple times a day is an issue. We will explore these matters in this post.

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So What’s the Average?

To have an idea on what could be too much, let us have a look at how frequently people masturbate, on average.

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In our 2021 Global Self Pleasure Report, we asked 1000 Americans about their masturbation habits. 86% of people have masturbated, and 11% do it at least daily (17% of men and 4% of women). Gen Z and Millennials reported to masturbate daily more than Gen X.

52% of people masturbate at least once a week, so most people are doing it frequently. Although the number of people doing it daily is lower, at 11%, it is safe to say you are not alone.

How Much is Too Much?

Seeing as masturbation frequency can differ between individuals, is there a recognised number that is ‘too much’?

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In reality there is no set number, where ‘x times a day is too much’. Because everyone uses different techniques, toys, and duration, there are too many variables to stick an arbitrary number on it. You can take a look at our blog about excessive masturbation.

So what occurs if you masturbate twice a day? Let’s start by peeking at the physical aspects.

What happens to your body

One worry for those with penises might be that you use up all your sperm from frequent ejaculation. Your body produces millions of sperm a day, approximately 1,500 a second, so masturbating twice a day will never cause you to ‘run out’, although the volume might be less than if you hold off for a few days.

The possible issue would be from ‘incorrect masturbation methods’, when you get used to sensations that are different from sex, possibly leading to ejaculation disorders. Also, intense or vigorous techniques (especially without lube) could cause irritation, swelling, and possibly even infections.

Lifestyle effects

Apart from the effects on your body and sexual health, there might be issues in your day to day life. This includes masturbation taking up too much of your day, having a negative impact on your work and home life, as well as using too much money on the activity (toys, adult entertainment, etc.). Plus, if it is causing you to be consistently ashamed or embarrassed, we suggest you discuss this situation with a therapist/health professional.

That is not to say it is all doom and gloom! There are a whole bunch of positive effects of masturbation too. From higher body confidence, sexual satisfaction, boosted immune system, and of course; feeling good and relaxed.

How Too Much Masturbation can Affect Your Health and Lifestyle

If you are worried about masturbating too much, there are a few warning signs you should pay attention to, that could mean you should be cautious with your frequency.

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Spending too much time, money and energy on masturbation can be quite a strain. Maintaining a good life balance is important, and if masturbating means your work, home life and social circle suffer as they take second place, it could be time to reevaluate things.

If you notice unwanted effects on your body, such as pain, swelling, or inability to fully enjoy sex, it is best to speak to a medical professional. It is good to masturbate, but be careful of not going overboard and damaging your health.


To come back to the main point, masturbating twice a day is perfectly normal for some people, and should not cause any issues. It can be a great part of your daily life, bringing many positive effects.

Sex toys are also a great way to mix up the sensations for every masturbation session, so if you're interested check out the huge library of Japanese sex toys from the TENGA Store USA.

Just make sure to watch out for signs that it is getting excessive (although twice is, on the scale of reported frequencies, not so high), and seek advice from a professional if you have any questions or doubts.

Otherwise, enjoy yourself!