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Article: Should I Do Kegel Exercises?

Should I Do Kegel Exercises?

Should I Do Kegel Exercises?

You might have heard about how Kegel exercises can help strengthen the area around the vagina, but they can also have great benefits for penises as well! Here we will go through everything you need to know about Kegel exercises.


    What are Kegel Exercises?

    Kegel exercises are exercises that are designed to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. The reason they are called Kegels is because they are named after American Gynecologist Arnold Kegel. He suggested them as a way to prevent urinary incontinence from weakened muscles. However, since then it has been found to help with other conditions, not only gynecological.

    How Do I Do Kegel Exercises?

    So now on to the main point, how exactly do you do Kegel exercises?


    Finding the right muscles

    The simplest way is to stop urinating mid stream, and seeing which muscles you use to do this. Either that, or use the muscles to stop passing gas.

    - It should feel like lifting/pulling, not pushing

    - It should be specific muscles, not together with stomach, buttocks or thighs.

    The Exercise

    Tighten this muscle for 3 seconds, then relax for three seconds. Do 3 sets of 10 per day to start, and you can work up to sets of 20. Since they are simple and unnoticeable by others, you can do them at any point of your day. Sitting at your desk, while lying in bed, or just watching when watching tv is fine.

    What are the Benefits of Kegel Exercises?

    So what is the reason to try Kegel exercises? Since research began, they have been found to possibly have a multitude of different positive effects, listed below.

    Kegel exercises can help regain control if suffering from incontinence (this is for all body types, for example during pregnancy or after childbirth, or after prostate surgery). Since they strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, the entire area can benefit. Both bladder and bowel incontinence, to even something smaller such as dribbling after peeing.

    It may also help sexual function, giving stronger orgasms! This is for everyone, but especially for helping with getting erections and preventing premature ejaculation.

    As with any new exercise regimen, speak with your doctor before you start. Although Kegel exercises are low risk, it is always better to be careful.


    Kegel exercises can strengthen the muscles, and therefore control, of the pelvic floor. This can prevent incontinence (leaking urine, especially when coughing for example) as well as and improve sex by offering more strength and control to the area of your genitals.

    Just check with your doctor first, but with the low risk and simple exercises, Kegel exercises can be a great addition to your exercise routine!