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Article: Should You Masturbate in the Morning?

Should You Masturbate in the Morning?

Should You Masturbate in the Morning?

Mornings can be difficult for many people. Getting out of bed bleary-eyed, out of it, with aches and pains and only starting to feel alive after some coffee means that mornings are not always associated with having a good time. But what if it was possible to make mornings better, and to start the day off right? We will look at if masturbation can make mornings better.

Man looking at sunrise


The Benefits of Masturbation

First, we will explore some of the benefits of masturbation. It turns out that self pleasure can have many positive effects, not just feeling good.

Woman sleeping tight

When masturbating, your heart rate goes up, meaning blood is moving around your body faster, bringing more oxygen to the brain. This boost of oxygen means the brain can function more efficiently, improving focus and concentration.

Masturbation releases adrenaline (epinephrine) as well as other chemicals with similar effects (norepinephrine), as many people know, an adrenaline rush can give a huge boost of energy.

Oxytocin is released at climax, which lowers cortisol levels (stress hormone) and thus reduces anxiety and stress.

During arousal, the hormone Vasopressin is released, which can help reduce any pain you might be feeling.

Why Masturbation Helps in the Morning

Why could all of the above be a good thing in the morning? We will look at how these benefits can make a morning better, as well as why mornings are a great time for masturbation.

Coffee cup

Being foggy-headed in the morning is something felt by countless people, saying they are not a morning person, or useless without their coffee, so masturbating to increase blood flow (and therefore oxygen to the brain) will help wake you up and feel more alert.

Tied to this, waking up with morning wood can be a distraction, as well as if you are aroused, it can be harder to focus on your tasks. By masturbating in the morning, you can improve focus and concentration.

The release of adrenaline (epinephrine and norepinephrine) means that you have a boost of energy first thing in the morning.

If you are having a stressful time, the release of oxytocin reduces stress and anxiety, meaning you start the day more relaxed and in a better frame of mind.

Waking up is hard enough, but waking up with muscle aches or headaches (make sure to stay hydrated!) can make it worse. Masturbating to release Vasopressin can bring pain relief, and could be very useful as you get older.

The morning is also a good time, as many shower in the morning to start their day fresh, so masturbating just before means you can clean up right away.

Plus, many experience ‘morning wood’, or having an erection when you wake up, so the morning is also the perfect time as you are ready from when you open your eyes.

Would Masturbation Every Morning be ok?

There may be concerns that either not doing it every day means that you are not making the most of every day, or that every day is too much, and could have some unforeseen consequences. Let us look at both of these below.


Should I Try Every Morning?

You should not do anything you are not comfortable with. If you do not feel like it, or feel like it has become a chore, it is of course alright to not masturbate daily.

Is Every Morning Too Much?

This depends on the person and method of masturbating. You can read about excessive masturbation here, but in essence, as long as it does not hurt you or your life, then it should be fine. If you notice injuries to your penis, or spend too much time masturbating that it impacts your daily life and relationships, then it is best to cut back.

Considering the amount of benefits masturbation has, not counting those mentioned here, if you are comfortable with it, then daily should be ok.

Starting a Routine

Now, it is time to see how masturbation can be easily incorporated into your morning routine.

Shower curtain

After waking up, start masturbating to get blood flowing and release hormones, waking you up and giving yourself a boost of energy. There are a few TENGA products that could help with this, either disposable products such as the CUP or EGG Series so you can easily dispose of them after, or something like the FLIP Series that you can then take into the shower to clean it off.

Taking the shower after means you can clean up both yourself and your sex toy at the same time.

This way, you start your morning off feeling good, relaxed, awake and clean!


Masturbation has many positive benefits, some of which are useful to help you in the morning when you might not be feeling your best or most attentive. Combined with the fact that for many people, cleanup is considered quite a hassle, if you were going to shower anyway, it makes the morning so much more efficient!

Morning Masturbation could change the way you start your day! TENGA masturbators can definitely become a pleasant part of a morning routine.